dinsdag 16 november 2010

Smoking in movies

In my first blog I described that food product placement can have a huge negative influence on children.  Now, I will explain another negative impact that product placement can have on adolescents.
Children and their parents watch an average of 3 movies in a week and in most of the films they see an actor smoking a cigarette. It’s probably really difficult for teenagers, when they see their favorite stars with several cigarettes on screen, not to copy their behavior. The more teens see the actors smoking, the more likely they will try it also one time. Especially when the children reached the age of 16, they are frequently faster influenced to smoke. The Tobacco companies know that the media can be so influential at teenagers.  That’s why these companies have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to promote their brand of cigarettes on the screen.
Stefanie Logghe

1 opmerking:

  1. What’s happening? My problem about this kind of product placement is that the tobacco companies don’t think about the negative influence and the health of all teenagers. They want the teenager to smoke. What is going on with there moral? Making people addicted in exchange for a larger benefit?

    Sophie Leyn
